The Long, Last, Lumbering, Leg Back to NYC: Mile 2472

The Somber Space between The Road and Home

Jay and I slept in late this morning.  The last few days have been filled with tension about our chains, tires and the inevitable deflation of realizing we're nearly home after to two weeks on the road (closer to three weeks for me, as I spent the previous week in Sea Isle City, NJ before we left).

Overlooking the George Washington Bridge on the Hudson River in Uptown Manhattan
My chain had a scary tight spot since Antigonish, and Jay's chain was slapping around his swingarm, both of which can be pretty dangerous riding motorcycles at high speeds.  I had researched a few shops the night before, and a place south of Portland called Power Wheelz had a few good reviews, which turned out to be completely accurate.  The shop was run by a very cool couple Jay and Debbie, who although they didn't service Ducatis or Aprilias, were happy to come out and check our chains. 
Newly scoured and polished Italian beauties
We were on the road by noon, and stopped off to wash our bikes in Seabrook, New Hampshire one last time. Pushing on, I think Jay and I were both a little bleary, riding simultaneously ready to complete this epic trip, but not quite ready to get back to our respective lives.
Our last stop at La Marina...
The trip home took far longer than our four and a half hour zip up to Maine.  We eventually got back to the New York metropolis after 8pm, just in time to see the last bit of sun saunter below the horizon.
Jay was familiar with a beautiful beachfront club in Inwood called La Marina picturesquely overlooking the Hudson river and the island of Manhattan to the south.  Contemplating the sum experiences of our fantastic journey, dwelling in that weird space between traveling and returning home, Jay and I sat on the water drinking whiskey as the dying light illuminated dusky formations of geese and NYC socialites, all puttering up to the restaurant on their yachts and jetskis, only to ultimately fade into the shadow and quiet night of the city.

 © 2014 Tigh Loughhead

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